“Beyond Androcene”: a handful of oppressors in control

Target of conservatives, Sandrine Rousseau persists, and signs with Adelaide Bon and Sandrine Roudaut a small eco -feminist manifesto. A political story to acid for men, at the price of shortcuts.


A year after the primary of environmentalists who saw her emerge, Sandrine Rousseau continues to trace her eco -feminist furrow. With the Adelaide Bon and Sandrine Roudaut authors, she publishes a manifesto on the threshold, beyond the Androcene. Sixty pages, amply enough to make the delights of its conservative detractors. What also strengthen an increasingly bearer story with a new militant generation.

It is therefore a story of “Androcene”, a neologism that replaces anthropocene to link patriarchal system, capitalism and climate change. Assum that men, more than dominated women and classes, bear responsibility for the disaster. The reader adept at an old-fashioned universalism, that of man with a great “h” creator of progress, will stop his reading there, the curious will continue his eco-feminism trip.

In this era, write the authors, “a handful of oppressors, different according to places or times, exploited and enslaved the multitude for their own interests”. Exploitation of nature, women, slaves and then the proletariat, it is the trio that underpins this definition of patriarchal capitalism. A story rich in shortcuts but which has the advantage of opposing an end of non-receiving clear to the idea that the technique alone could represent a solution to climate change.

“more question of enjoying the expenses of others “

Reading the economist Karl Polanyi (1886-1964) in support, the authors are not afraid to attack the sacro-saintes lights, to keep a critical discourse of the sciences: “Linné, Buffon, Lamarck or Darwin have theorized and stored nature in boxes. This research has contributed to no longer seeing it as a whole, coherent and balanced, but as a sum, a assembly of parts. By classifying, we have lost sight of the essentials : links, interactions, balances. “

The rapid demonstration values ​​examples drawn from feminist research. Inspired by a reading of the academic and militant feminist Silvia Federici, the book presents the trials against witches, at the end of the Middle Ages, as a symptom of this capitalism in preparation which alienates land and women.

Conscious that they will put themselves on the back the “boomers”, the authors oppose the “enjoy without hindrance” of May 68 a new “cardinal rule”: “more question of enjoying today at the expense of others.” Without ever saying “decrease”, they propose to “transform the illusion of purchasing power into a right to live with dignity, to have access to fundamental goods and services”.

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