Court of Auditors creates a platform for whistleblowers

The system, which will make it possible to formalize the elements transmitted by the informants, is part of a larger approach to the institution to the general public.


Could the Orpea case have given rise to an investigation by the Court of Auditors? No doubt, if the breaches had been reported upstream to him. From this Tuesday, September 6, the institution puts a new platform online for “whistleblowers” who would like to draw its attention to “undue situations”, explained Pierre Moscovici, the first president of the ‘Institution, Monday, September 5, in front of the association of economic and financial journalists. “Sometimes citizens write to me to enter me with special situations, locally or nationally,” he continues. “These can be invested.”

Each year, the Court receives a hundred reports, by mail or email, emanating from individuals indicating breaches of regulations in the public sphere. And each of the thirteen regional chambers of accounts receives about it as much. But, so far, the Court had no particular tool to collect and systematically process this mass of information, which nevertheless ended sometimes on surveys.

secure dialogue

The new platform must make it possible to formalize the elements transmitted by the informants-on what date did the facts go, where, how did we know about it? The “whistleblower” will be able to deposit a large amount of attachments, and dialogue securely with the courtyard. The information collected, if it is deemed credible, may trigger or guide investigations or controls.

This platform is part of a wider approach from the Court of Auditors to the general public, wanted by Pierre Moscovici since his appointment in 2020. In the spring, the institution had launched a large consultation in order to collect with individuals surveys suggestions. As an independent jurisdiction, the Court sets its work program freely, establishing the list of controls to be carried out each year.

She finally retained six study subjects, corresponding to fifteen proposals from the consultation: the inclusive school, the detection of tax fraud of individuals, public support for federations of hunters, equality between women And men, medical temporary workers and the permanence of care and, finally, the use by the State to private advice firms. The Court must publish the result of its controls by the end of 2023.

/Media reports.