Associations of local elected officials will participate well in National Refoundation Council of Emmanuel Macron

Regions of France, the Assembly of the Departments of France and the Association of Mayors of France obtained, Monday September 5, wages from the President of the Republic to take part in the body, supposed to bring together all Public actors around the major challenges of the future.


The urgency was considered strong enough for the President of the Republic to unlock two hours, in debt, Monday, September 5, in order to receive the three managers of the main associations of local elected officials. Successfully: regions of France (chaired by the socialist Carole Delga), the Assembly of the Departments of France (chaired by François Sauvadet, of the Union of Democrats and Independents) and the Association of Mayors of France (David Lisnard, the Republicans) have obtained financial guarantees and the prospect of a new “great decentralization law”. They will therefore participate well in the National Refoundation Council (CNR) that Emmanuel Macron must launch Thursday, September 8.

It was not won, however. Friday, September 2, the three associations said, by a joint press release, that “the framework of the National Refoundation Council” proposed by the Head of State seemed to them “not appropriate to evoke the issues” relating to the skills of communities. This body, announced in June by Emmanuel Macron, before the legislative elections, is supposed to bring together all public actors around the major challenges of the future. The opposition, but also the president (the republicans) of the Senate, Gérard Larcher, warned that they would not participate in the exchanges of the CNR. And the local elected officials themselves considered that “it is by a dedicated and direct dialogue between the representatives of the communities, the executive and the parliament” that these questions should be dealt with.

“explosion of expenses. of solidarity “

Monday’s meeting therefore changed the situation. According to François Sauvadet, “the outstretched hand” of local elected officials was “seized by the President of the Republic”. On at least two crucial points for local communities. First, financial resources. The energy crisis such as local tax reforms – the value added contribution of companies will be abolished in the 2023 finance bill – put elected representatives under pressure. The departments face in particular “an explosion in solidarity spending”. “The President of the Republic brought us guarantees, says François Sauvadet. He told us that he wanted to guarantee and secure our resources.” However, he did not go into details: “We will continue work with the first minister “, specifies the president of the assembly of the departments of France.

The representatives of elected officials also reminded Emmanuel Macron their “hostility to Cahors contracts”, who “[them] put under guardianship”, deplores François Sauvadet. These agreements signed between the State and two hundred and twenty-nine of the largest communities from 2018 aimed to limit their expenses and to achieve 2.6 billion euros in savings each year on the five-year term .

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/Media reports.