United Kingdom: Liz Truss, a free trade ideologist succeeds Boris Johnson

After having carried out a campaign on the right all, the Minister of Foreign Affairs was elected by the members at the head of the Conservative Party, paving the way for her designation as Prime Minister.


Peaceful counter-alleys, rows of Blonde stone villas from Yorkshire, a large school hidden in greenery, some clean pubs … In the north of Leeds, the Roundhay district pleasantly contrasts with the rest of this metropolis of Midlands, former textile capital that has become active shopping and university center, but without charm.

It is in this bourgeois enclave that the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mary Elizabeth Truss, 47, the new British Prime Minister, elected by members at the head of the Conservative Party, Monday September 5 – she will be appointed to Downing Street by Queen Elizabeth II on Tuesday -passed her adolescence. Studious pupil, the third woman – and third curator – in this position, after Margaret Thatcher and Theresa May, frequented the Roundhay School, a public establishment of good reputation, before winning a place at the University of Oxford, option PPE (Politics, Philosophy, Economy), The Royal Way to frequent the aisles of power.

In July, at the start of the primary of the Conservative Party caused by the fall of Boris Johnson, pushed towards the exit by his own deputies, following the “Partygate”, Liz Truss said that she had been educated ” In the heart of the red wall “(northern England, renowned for its pauperized areas) and that she had crossed students there” that [her] school dropped “. These words are badly passed, the local media reporting the outraged reactions of residents saying that their neighborhood was not disadvantaged.

campaign on the right

Passing through Leeds, on July 28, to participate in the first public debate opposing him to the ex-chencer of the chessboard, Rishi Sunak, Liz Truss summoned these disputed memories again. A way for this political leader, blonde square and ivory skin, follower of power dresses and very high heels, to refine an image of “anti -Blisa” provincial; A real “Yorkshire Girl”, as she likes to emphasize, which would hold from this region “a great determination and the habit of speaking true”. “This is what we need in Downing Street in these times of crisis, someone daring, who refuses the status quo,” she added, to Leeds.

Liz Truss, however, settled in Greenwich years ago, a privileged district of south-eastern London. She comes from a family of the petty bourgeoisie: her father, John, a professor of mathematics at the university, and her mother, Priscilla, a left -wing activist nurse, met on the benches of the prestigious University of Cambridge . But her small sprains of reality did not prejudice her with the members of the Conservative Party, who had to choose between her and Mr. Sunak.

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/Media reports.