released by Cloudflare, the English -speaking site, at the origin of multiple very violent harassment campaigns, turned to a Russian company.
Le Monde
Although Kiwi Farms was recently and finally blocked by the American host Cloudflare, following a harassment campaign targeting the Canadian streamer and Transgenre Clara “Keffals” Sorrenti, the forum is not out of ‘Trunner. The English-speaking site, which was not hosted by the company-like this one e recalls in a recent press release -, but benefited from some of its services, now offers those of Ddos -Guard, a Russian company.
The violence of harassment towards “Keffals”, but also the weeks of pressure on Cloudflare have highlighted the practices of a community which is not at its first raid.
What is Kiwi Farms?
Kiwi Farms is a discussion forum mainly devoted to online harassment. Its members – 16,000 daily connections according to its administrators – meet there to foresee, organize and coordinate targeted harassment against internet personalities, mainly feminist activists or human rights, people suffering from Psychological problems, or journalists or people from the world of video games or comics, but also some personalities of the American far right.
The forum is organized around a main section, “lolcows” (literally “fun cows”), where users discuss targets of harassment campaigns, justifying these attacks by the fact that they “have behaviors eccentric and can be treated to have fun “.
How was this forum created?
Kiwi Farms was born in 2013, before taking his current name in 2014. Its creator, Joshua Moon, nicknamed “Null”, is a former administrator of the non -moderate forum 8chan. This alternative to the 4CHAN forum is considered one of the most extremist, racist and hateful online forums. “Null” had created Kiwi Farms with the explicit goal of harassing an online comic book author, which has already been the subject for several years of an intense harassment campaign on 4CHAN.
What is his operating mode?
Kiwi Farms users practice long -term and particularly violent harassment: insults, hacking, threats, swatting (call for police under a false pretext to send the police to the victim) … The forum claims having resulted in suicide death of at least three of his designated victims.
Is this forum legal?