Little, these personnel are demanding a reform of their status and a revaluation of their allowances, lower than those of the advisers they supervise. The profession no longer attracts.
For their greatest misfortune, they are not very numerous. The call to a national rally, on September 20 in Paris, of the penitentiary directors of integration and probation (DPIP) will not make any noise, while they are around 500 in France. These personnel of supervision of the departmental services for the care of the probation and reintegration policy of 175,000 people on the other hand in open environment, the 15,000 people on an electronic bracelet and the 72,000 prisoners are demanding from the Ministry of Justice a reform of their status and a revaluation of their allowances.
This numerical inferiority compared to the 8,000 penitentiary integration and probation advisers they supervise and the 30,000 prison supervisors explains that they seem to have been forgotten. All other categories of prison personnel have obtained status and income improvements since 2017.
Despite the approach of the professional elections conducive to competition, the SNDP-CFDT, the SNEPAP-FSU and the UNDPIP-CF-CGC, which totaled 96 % of the votes in these personnel during the previous ballot, had chosen to meet in inter -union in early 2021. In vain so far, despite multiple meetings. “The management of the prison administration and the cabinet of the Minister of Justice hear our demands that they say they find legitimate. According to them, the bad guys who block, it is the DGAFP [Directorate General of Administration and Function public] “, in Bercy, sums up Flavie Rault, secretary general of the SNDP.
increased responsibilities
Originally created to try to bring the status of DPIPs closer to that of the directors of the prison services, responsible for prisons, and historically better paid, the SNDP has revised its priorities. “We are now trying to be paid better than the penitentiary integration and probation advisers that we supervise,” says M me rault. With the overtime paid to them and not to the executives, the remuneration differences have reduced to nothing.
A trend all the more badly lived as the responsibilities and constraints imposed on DPIPs have increased with policies to combat radicalization and intra -family violence. Since the death of Chahinez Boutaa, killed in the street in Mérignac (Gironde) by his ex -spouse in May 2021 -a feminicide which had revealed state dysfunctions -they must thus be distributed in each department of on -call duty in order to ‘Be mobilizable day and night 365 days a year. “The administration wants to be able to respond very quickly when something happens and wishes to have access to information,” explains Estelle Carraud, secretary general of SNEPAP-FSU.
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