Nice attack, first opportunistic claim of a mass killing by Islamic State

The jihadist group waited, rare, two days before taking on the massacre of July 14, 2016. No link has since been established between the killer and the Islamist movement.


The corpses still litter the Promenade des Anglais, on July 15, 2016, shortly before 4 am, when François Hollande reacted to the attack on the truck which has just in debt Nice and France. In a speech from the Elysée, he declares that the carnage which left 86 dead, five hours earlier, is “an attack whose terrorist character cannot be denied”. The President of the Republic goes so far as to specify the “Islamist” nature of the attack: “After Paris, in January [2015], then in November [2015], with Saint-Denis, Nice is in turn affected. It is all France who is under the threat of Islamist terrorism. “

At this hour of the night, however, the investigation has only just started and no element makes it possible to assert that the author of the massacre, the Tunisian Mohamed Lahouaiej Bouhlel, is an “Islamist”. He has left neither will, nor allegiance, nor the slightest claim, and none of his relatives has yet been heard on his religiosity, which will prove to be non -existent. But the attack is part of a context: the Islamic State Organization (IS) called its sympathizers to kill the unbelievers – “in particular French villains and dirty” – by all means, “crushing them with a car “If necessary, and the attacks have multiplied on French soil for almost a year and a half.

By this speaking, the President of the Republic was more quick to qualify the “Islamist” nature of the Nice attack than the IS itself, which will only claim it, that two days later. On July 16, the terrorist group attributes the massacre in an audio recording broadcast on its official radio, Al-Bayan: “responding to the calls of the Islamic State to aim for the States participating in the Crossed Coalition which fights the Islamic State , a Caliphate soldier led a new special operation using a heavyweight to crush the citizens of France crossed while the latter celebrated the day of the national holiday in Nice. “

Adrien Guihal, the “Voice” of the Nice attack

The jihadist who reads the message is French. His name is Adrien Guihal and works in Syria for the media department of IS, in the company of the Brothers Fabien and Jean-Michel Clain, the authors of the claim of the attacks of November 13, 2015. presumed dead in Syria, the Clain brothers were sentenced in their absence, on June 29 at the trial of these attacks, to life imprisonment for “complicity of assassinations”, for having claimed these attacks, which had been organized since Syria.

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/Media reports.