If Jean-Luc Mélenchon has been offering since July a “big walk against expensive life”, the other leftist parties and unions such as the CGT, FSU or Solidaires stand for the moment to vague promises of “Possible common initiatives”.
Reinforced but far, very far, to be the majority, the left would like to take support in the street to advance its themes, even precipitate a dissolution of the National Assembly, as desired France (LFI) wishes.
Except that between LFI and union centers, dialogue has not always been fluid. Saturday, September 3, since the big clearance sale of Lille, Jean-Luc Mélenchon had not doubted, however, to manage to organize a national parade: “You must prepare, as soon as you hear the date, to rush to make a Huge walking in Paris, it is the way to demonstrate the force. “The” Great Walk “, in the” rebellious “toolbox, it is the prerequisite for the” Popular Front “. Before the march against dear life, there had been the “great popular tide” organized against the reforms of Emmanuel Macron in May 2018.
These initiatives sometimes hit the union officials, especially at the beginning of the first five -year term of Emmanuel Macron, when the “rebellious” had tried to take the leadership of the social movement against the reform of the Labor Code. Since then, LFI has assured its “respect” for trade union organizations, without rebutting it on the role of politics. “We are a popular movement, we have responsibilities before the whole popular block, we automatically organize mobilizations,” said the former deputy of Bouches-du-Rhône, Saturday in Lille.
By launching this proposal at the beginning of the summer, he had a severe analysis for the intermediate bodies: “The social movement is unavailable to organize anything. (…) You are blocked by One side, for a lot of reasons, that’s how it is, I do not make judgment. In the associative environment it is a bit the same, even the climate demonstrations, [it is difficult to bring them together. It is possible That a truth ends up imposing itself. The place of the popular union, the place where the people find themselves to do something, is the Nuts [new ecological and social political union] “, he said on 5 July.
work “while respecting each other”
The leader of LFI wanted this walk to take place in September, a weekend, to “give the” back to school “. But discussions with the allies of the Nuts led him to repel the calendar. The national secretary of Europe Ecologie-les Verts (EELV) Julien Bayou, during the summer days of his party, thus claimed to leave the unions, precisely, “give the” “”: “they propose, we support, The unions must lead the ball. “” Maybe environmentalists and the cloud can succeed in this articulation … “, he hoped.
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