Fifteen million registrants are called in the polls, Sunday, September 4, in order to decide on the text which would replace that inherited from the dictatorship of Pinochet. A ballot which represents the culmination of a historical process.
The Assembly, a hundred people, sing the Chilean anthem in the conference room of a Hotel in Santiago, Thursday 1
Fifteen million Chileans and Chileans, in this country of nineteen million inhabitants, are called to the polls.
“I wish another Constitution, but not this one, which divides us. It is too important a subject, this is where it all starts and everything ends,” says Ricardo Quezada, 64, during The end of the end of the campaign of Amarillos Por Chile, which defines itself as a group of citizens of center and center left. Their posture illustrates what is similar to a slow turnaround at the national level: as now a majority of Chileans, according to all the polls, they are preparing to vote “rechazo” (“I reject” the proposal, that is The case of 53.5 % of respondents, According to the Pulso Ciudadano Survey Institute ), after having spoken in favor of writing a new constitution, during a referendum, in October 2020.
At the time, almost 80 % of the voters had decided and expressed the wish to bury the constitution inherited from the dictatorship of Augusto Pinochet (1973-1990) and deemed illegitimate. If it has been reformed on different occasions, this constitution was accused of being the foundation of inequalities of all types, denounced in the street during the vast and unpublished social uprising of 2019. then opened the way for a rewriting In depth of the fundamental text, under the pen of 154 elected officials, including a majority of independents, composing a joint assembly, clearly on the left.
For a year, the new text discussed set out to promote a change of model announced from the first article: “Chile is a social and democratic state based on the rule of law. It is multinational, intercultural, regional and ecological. “The main principles that cross it then include the introduction of social rights, the recognition of the indigenous populations (12.8 % of Chileans), parity, a redesign of the political and judicial system. Access to voluntary pregnancy interruption is guaranteed.
“unbalanced powers”
For part of the opinion, had it been too far? “I really agree with social rights. But not with the powers that are given to the natives. If they have as much, then there is no more equality, says Marcela Retamal, a 35 -year -old worker D’Amarillos por chile. The powers are unbalanced, the room [called “regions”, replacing the Senate] does not have to be “, adds Ricardo Quezada.
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