The Minister Delegate for Women-Men equality considers, in an interview with the “Sunday newspaper”, that “these cases must be judged in a specific manner”. A parliamentary mission must soon be launched to improve the judicial treatment of domestic violence.
Le Monde
The number of feminicides increased by 20 % in France in 2021 compared to the previous year, with 122 women killed under the blows of their spouse or ex-spouse, according to a report published at the end of August by the Ministry of the ‘interior.
“glazing” figures reacted Isabelle Rome, Minister Delegate responsible for equality between women and men. “Despite the unprecedented efforts undertaken by the state in the past five years, feminicides have remained at an too high level,” she said to the France-Presse agency. Since the beginning of January, 79 feminicides have already been identified, which situates the year 2022 in the average of the previous one.
in an interview with the Journal du Dimanche (JDD) of September 4 , the Minister recommends the creation of specialized jurisdictions. “These cases must be judged in a specific way,” she declares. “To slap his wife, it has nothing to do with stealing a laptop in a store. You have to question this act and provide him Immediate. “
inspire” models like Spain or Quebec “
The organization of these jurisdictions will be the subject of the parliamentary mission, announced Friday by Prime Minister Elisabeth Borne on the occasion of the three years of the “Grenelle” against this scourge which mainly affects women.
This mission which will last six months will be responsible for making proposals to improve the judicial treatment of domestic violence. “With Elisabeth Borne and Eric Dupond-Moretti [Minister of Justice], we will also be able to take inspiration from models like Spain or Quebec,” said M Rome to the JDD. Beyond the Pyrenees, the number of feminicides has dropped sharply for fifteen years due to several specific measures.
“At least, we must continue to train all judges and prosecutors likely to treat this type of business”, advances the magistrate, who wants to raise awareness about “the concept of grip or even coercive control, these processes during which The violent spouse places the other under his domination, making him dependent and placing him in a situation of serious danger. “
In response to criticisms of associations which denounce the lack of training of the police, the minister argues that “157,000 police and gendarmes have been trained”, and that “417 social workers are now present in police stations or gendarmeries, to support, support and guide the victims “. A figure that the government intends to bring to 600 by 2025.
launch of a “New Departure Pack”
Isabelle Rome also wishes to launch a “New Start Pack”, in order to support women in their quest for independence when they do not dare to leave their spouse violent for lack of means. It would be “a kind of one-stop shop, experienced in several sites, to provide all the necessary support for the victims and help them take off,” she explains, detailing a “mobilization of social assistance, [one] Access to training or [a] return to employment assistance, [emergency accommodation or psychiatric support “.
Among the new measures, Elisabeth Borne has already announced new emergency accommodation places for women who flee their violent spouse: by the end of the year, 10,000 places will be available in all, Against just over 9,000 today. And the total will rise to 11,000 next year.
Regarding protective orders, which urgently prohibit any contact between the author of violence and his victim, Isabelle Rome welcomes that the acceptance rate has increased to wait 67.8 %today. “In 2021, 3,554 orders were made, against 1,600 in 2016. And the pronounced period was shortened from forty to six days,” she argues.
To fight this scourge of domestic violence, the Minister judges that “we must work upstream on education”. “With Pap N’Diaye [Minister of Education] (…) We want to amplify this education of girls and boys with inequalities from an early age,” she says.