Ségolène Royal claims to have “never denied war crimes” in Ukraine and

“I never denied war crimes and I gladly apologize to the victims if they thought it,” twitted the former socialist candidate for the presidential election on Saturday.

Le Monde with AFP

The former socialist presidential candidate Ségolène Royal assured Saturday September 3 on Twitter having “never denied war crimes” and apologized “with the victims if they thought it”, after having questioned the war crimes committed in Ukraine, despite the evidence.

Thursday, September 1, on BFM-TV, she had denounced “war propaganda by fear” from the Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky, and in particular challenged the reality of “bombed maternity” in the south-east of Ukraine in March. She also questioned the Boutcha massacre or “the child’s rape narrative for seven hours before the parents’ eyes”. “It is monstrous to go and spread things like that only to interrupt the peace process,” she said.

His words aroused a lively controversy within the political world. “Peace in Ukraine is not made impossible by the victims of the invasion but by the will to conquer [Russian President Vladimir] Putin!”, Was indignant on Twitter on Thursday, the first secretary of the Socialist Party, Olivier Faure.

“A form of escalation in the description of the horror”

After assured first time , Friday, that she had “never denied war crimes” while “recall [Ant] criminal strikes in Iraq, on lies”, she justified herself on Saturday by putting forward the end of her Interview, according to her “cut in the reruns”.

Here the end of my word, cut the reruns. To plead for peace is to act for the judgment of sufferings… https://t.co/jUFIFSX6Cr

– Royalsegolene (@Ségolène Royal)

She specified that “there is a form of escalation in the description of horror, to arouse deliveries of weapons and to refrain from putting in place processes of negotiations and peace, while The Ukrainian people need peace (…). The description of the horrors in the context of war propaganda prevents peace processes “.

“To plead for peace is to act for the end of the suffering of the Ukrainian people and the Russian aggression,” she said on Saturday.

/Media reports.