Public audiovisual, other hot school record

The reforms committed go badly internally, on the background of the royalty.


Does the fire cover within the public audiovisual, a few weeks after the abolition of the royalty, which had led to a shot fed on protests? Within the State, the potential conflagration signals are monitored. As such, the strike notice filed with France Télévisions for September 12 against the tempo project of redesign of France 3 is watched with particular attention. Sign of the internal rumble, the Social and Economic Committee (CSE) is preparing to seize justice in order to note a “offense of obstacle”. “It is a dialogue of deaf with management,” justifies Serge Cimino, of the National Syndicate of Journalists, who deplores a lack of information.

Before summer, France Télévisions had announced its intention to end the national television news in France 3 and create regionalized trays, combining national and regional information, on the model of France Bleu. If this project worries as much, it is because it intervenes in a context of suppression of the royalty.

In the short term, France Télévisions should not worry. According to our information, the budgets which will be entered in the 2023 finance bill have been arrested and rather provide for the stability of the credits. A welcome break after the 160 million euros in savings made over the past four years. But that does not prevent the State from wishing to see the synergies develop between the two houses.

arbitration Final

Thus, message was made to the presidents to make cooperation efforts on proximity. Implied, it would be wise to reduce the costs of the two regional networks France Bleu and France 3. Consequently, the tempo project is rather seen with a good eye within the State, especially since the regionalization of the ‘Antenna is one of the requests for the public authorities.

But it is in France Bleu that these projects scare the most. Journalists have protested there for twelve weeks against the digital regional information platform, here, refusing to contribute to the web. Digital production has dropped 40 % on the grounds that contracts do not provide that journalists also write for the Internet. Symptom of underlying concern, the common site between France Bleu and France 3 has still not seen the light of day, the parties stopping on the URL which will be chosen. For a long time, public radio fears to be founded in public television.

At Radio France, it is above all the opening of candidates for the presidency that occupies the spirits. The current president, Sibyle Veil, will have to say, this fall, whether or not she reaches a new mandate. As such, the government does not facilitate its task. He decided to prolong the contracts of objectives and means (COM), which were expired at the end of December and which determine the missions and the strategy to follow.

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/Media reports.