took place the release of a free graphic client Nicotine+ 3.2.5 for a file exchange P2P network soulseek . Nicotine+ strives to be a convenient, free alternative with open source code to the official client Soulseek, providing additional functionality and while maintaining compatibility with Soulseek protocol. The client’s code is written in Python using the GTK graphic library and is distributed under the GPLV3 license. The assemblies are available for and masos .
The main changes:
- Fixed a rare error associated with single -ranking compounds.
- Fixed a mistake due to which some loads stuck in the status of “in line” or “Transfer”.
- Fixed a problem due to which the files were not loaded into user catalogs.
- Fixed the problem when Nicotine+ tried to connect to the server until the end of the ports is completed.
- Fixed a problem in which the user settings were dropped after the emergency completion of the OS.
- The failure was corrected when the catalog for the debugging magazine was indicated incorrectly.
- Fixed a decrease in performance when loading “loading/distribution” when the OS is launched
- Optimized the performance of scrolling and rendering of the text for OC windows.

/Media reports.