The COVVI-19, the latest reforms and chronic difficulties of the school system have multiplied the forms of discomfort, from schoolchildren to high school students.
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Has the school system become a stress machine? At a time when 12.1 million students are going back to school, college and high school, Thursday 1 er and Friday September 2, the question deserves to be asked.
The mental health of adolescents is the subject of “many alerts” on the part of “medical circles”, insisted Pap Ndiaye, the Minister of Education, during a direct with Internet users on the Gross platform, August 29. In an anxiety -provoking social, economic and environmental context, the number of transitions to emergencies for suicidal gestures is increasing in young people aged 11 to 24 (+ 27 % over the first months of 2022 compared to the same period in 2021) , in particular among young girls, according to data from the Public Health Agency France.
In schools and educational establishments, the observation is clear: the health crisis has indeed changed adolescents in discomfort. “Before the COVVI-19, there were stress peaks at defined moments, the start of the school year or the approach of the exams for the third, the first and the terminals, reports Sylvie Magne, general co-secretary of the union of school nurses (Snics-FSU). But since the start of the 2020 school year, stress, school phobias or absenteeism are no longer confined to these two periods. We see teenagers who have lost motivation and more agitated children, who have trouble to enter learning. “
“Since the COVID-19, mental health at school is no longer a taboo”, also notes Hélène Romano, doctor of psychopathology and psychotherapist. She participated in the development of an investigation by the Synlab association with a thousand teachers on the subject. The result: nearly a third of college students and high school students reveal, in their speech and words, signs of stress or anxiety, according to their teachers.
“unhappy”, parents “stressed “
After two disrupted years, part of the solution, advanced by the Minister of Education in front of Gross Internet users, will be to find the “normal” operation of the school … But the latter could himself Being an ill-being generator? The President of the Republic, Emmanuel Macron, hinted, during his back -to -school speech before the rectors of the academy, on August 25: French students would be “unhappy”, while their parents are “stressed” and their “disillusioned” teachers.
For many professionals who are as close as possible to children and adolescents, it is clear that an increased pressure is exercised. “Nothing has moved in the ways of learning, while the world has changed considerably,” notes Patrice Huerre, child psychiatrist and author of how the school moves away from his children (Nathan, 174 pages, 14.90 euros ). “School pressure increases as parents are increasingly worried about the future of their children, who seek to reassure them by having good results,” he adds.
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