Marine Le Pen seeks to exist in the debate on energy sobriety. But the far -right party defends a project based on the nuclear and demondialization, not very suitable for climate emergency and the supply crisis.
The wind turned in a summer. After betting everything on purchasing power, the lieutenants of Marine Le Pen are looking for a speech to the climate crisis. The “rooted ecology” of the lepenist party has been mastainable for ten years of an identity and heritage dimension, where the preservation of nature and economic protectionism mixed under the slogan “Live well among its own”. But the ecological transition remains an unthought. “We cannot garner victories on ecology, Jean-Philippe Tanguy, deputy National Rally (RN) of the Somme and energy specialist with M me Pen. Marine knows that we must not miss the turning point … We must be better understood. “
Ecology nevertheless draws a clear line, expressed during the presidential debate of Entre-Deux-Tours. Emmanuel Macron had taxed his “climatosceptic” challenge; The latter had described it as “climate-hypocritical” adept at “punitive ecology”. The first claimed to want to go “twice as fast” to reach carbon neutrality in 2050, the second braked by saying “yes to the transition, but it must be in time, much slower than what we impose to the French “. A time that the RN has in decades.
In terms of energy, Marine Le Pen almost defends the nuclear by 2050, when Emmanuel Macron puts on the combination of nuclear and renewable. Partisan of a moratorium on wind and solar, Marine Le Pen leads a fierce crusade against existing wind turbines, that the one she would have appointed Minister of Ecology Hervé Juvin compares to minarets, and that she wishes to dismantle . “Wind turbines, it spoils the landscape and it pollutes. Photovoltaics is Niet, we take ground to farmers”, drives Christophe Barthès, RN deputy of the Aude member of the Sustainable Development Commission. “In France, we do not need renewable energies”, maintains Jean-Philippe Tanguy.
“Fortunately we voted for fuel oil”
“Reaching carbon neutrality is impossible without a significant development of renewable energies”, nevertheless noted the manager of the electricity transport network (RTE) in his report “Futures Energy 2050”. The RN project would not cover the country’s electricity needs and increase dependence abroad … at the risk of adding the energy bill and the carbon footprint. As a symbol, the flagship proposal of the Marine Le Pen camp – the 20 % decrease to 5.5 % of VAT on fuel, gas and fuel oil – would have led to supporting fossil energy for all and in the duration. “The biggest possible hydrocarbon subsidy,” said Emmanuel Macron in April.
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