Legislative in Sweden: extreme right stands out as second political force of country

In an unprecedented scenario, the electoral evening ended with a slight lead for the conservative liberal right and the extreme right on the left forces. But we will have to wait for the final results on Wednesday, as the scores are tight.


On the stage of the Elite Hotel Marina Tower, in Nacka, in the suburbs of Stockholm, Jimmie Akesson, the leader of the Democrats of Sweden (SD), jubiless: he is a little after midnight, Monday, September 12, and his Party presents himself as the big winner of the elections in Sweden. “When we entered Parliament for the first time twelve years ago, we had 5.7 % of the vote. Today, we are 20.7 %. This shows the path we have traveled, from a Small party that everyone made up to the second training in Sweden. “

This result is a consecration for Jimmie Akesson, 43 years old. When he resumed the direction of the far -right formation in 2005, with three of his friends, all students in Lund, in the south of Sweden, and today his closest advisers, he had two objectives: normalize the Nationalist party, founded by former fascists in 1988, and making it one of the main political parties of the country. Mission accomplished: if their result is maintained, SDs should be able to exert a considerable influence on the next legislature.

Several kilometers away, at the Congress Congress Center Stockholm, social democratic activists have their eyes riveted on the immense screens that broadcast live the speech of the far right leader. Disappointment can be read in all eyes, mixed with dread. At the beginning of the evening, however, they wanted to believe it: all the polls at the exit of the ballot boxes, then the first estimates, gave the center left and the Greens in mind.

And then, around 11 p.m., while the count was completed in half of the 6,500 electoral districts, the liberal right and the extreme right went along, with a mandate in advance first, Then three, at 176 against 173 for the left center and the Greens (49.7 % against 48.8 %). At the HQ of the Conservatives, in a large hotel near the station, activists do not dare to believe it. They expect a new tilting, which will not occur.

four years of unprecedented political instability

No candidate, however, dares to assume victory. Because after four years of unprecedented political instability in the Scandinavian kingdom, the scenario that everyone feared has just occurred. The scores are too tight for a final result to be proclaimed. We will have to wait for the statement of the votes of the Swedes from abroad, which will not be completed before Wednesday.

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/Media reports.