Brussels wishes to prohibit entry into the European market of produced products, in whole or in part, by “modern slaves”. The regulations could come into force by the end of 2025.
It was a promise that Ursula von der Leyen had consented during her speech on the state of the European Union (EU) of September 2021: endow the old continent with an effective tool to ban any product from forced labor. Wednesday, September 14, the president of the European Commission should reveal, during her new speech on the state of the Union, this draft text. And this two days after the publication by the International Labor Organization of alarming figures on forced labor.
In 2021, some 27.6 million people were in a situation of modern slavery, up 2.7 million over five years in all countries, and including in Europe. After having presented in February its project of directive on the duty of vigilance of companies to oblige them to fight in particular against this scourge, the Commission therefore reveals a regulation allowing the member states of the EU to eradicate if not the work forced, at least the products from or partially from forced work.
“All products are concerned, whether made entirely by modern slaves or that one of its components is,” said the Commission. While the United States has decided to banish, through a law that came into force in June, the import of certain products (cotton, tomatoes, solar panel components, etc.) from the Chinese region of Xinjiang , where, according to the United Nations, Uighurs are subject to forced labor, Europe does not intend to target a specific geographic area or specific companies or products. >
and this while the textile giants (Zara, Nike, etc.), electronics (Apple) or the automobile (Volkswagen) have been shown in recent years for having recourse to suppliers who ‘supported the forced work of Uighurs. “Our regulation is non-discriminatory, recalls a senior European civil servant. It has been designed to be compatible with the rules of the World Trade Organization.”
The EU does not want to open a new trade war with China and tries to maintain peaceful relationships with the Asian giant. In the European Parliament, which will have to rule with the Council on the text, the regulations are well received. “Finally!, Salues Raphaël Glucksmann, European deputy (progressive alliance of the socialists and democrats) in advance on the fight in favor of the Uighurs. It has been waiting for us for two and a half years. was impossible. There, we have a project. “
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