The deputy of Ontario, from the radical wing of the right, won, on September 10, the battle which opposed him to four opponents by presenting himself as the candidate of the rupture.
At the announcement of the victory of Pierre Hairy as a new leader of the Conservative Party of Canada on Saturday September 10, the 72-year-old conservative senator, Jean-Guy Dagenais, released his old member card from the sound drawer office and cut it with a scissor. “His way of doing politics, divisive,” American-style “, struck me, I do not share her values in any way, I prefer to leave,” he explained in the evening of the enthronement of the new leader. “France has Marine Le Pen, the United States had Donald Trump, is it really necessary to have Pierre Hairy with us?”, Was he worried a few days before in a letter sent to his conservative colleagues.
Pierre Poilievre, 42, elected seven times deputy from Ontario since 2004, won the battle which opposed him to four other candidates, including the former Quebec Minister Jean Charest. After having obtained in the first round 68.15 % of the votes, he became the fourth leader of his party since the defeat in 2015, against Justin Trudeau, of the last conservative Prime Minister, Stephen Harper. A waltz of leaders who lights up the difficulties of the Canadian right in finding a course and an incarnation.
new members
With Pierre Poilievre, this political family clearly chooses, today, to engage in its most radical movement. The man succeeds Erin O’Toole, “resigned” in February for his lack of support for the convoy so -called “freedom” led by truckers opposed to the health measures of the Canadian government. Hairyre had posted on his Twitter account a selfie taken in their company.
The Truckers i’ve Met Today Have Been Peaceful, Kind and Patriotic.
I’ve not seen anyone dressed up in blackface o…
Square glasses which give him a very “seventies” look, voice a bit nasillarde who does not harm his speaker talents, the one who was nicknamed the “pitbull” for his muscular interventions in the House of Commons Full the halls of the eighty public meetings held across the country since the launch of its campaign in May. He boasts of having alone joined nearly 300,000 new members, almost doubling their number which today amounts to 678,000. Proof of the enthusiasm aroused, he also collected more than $ 4 million Canadian donations (a little of 3 million euros), more than all its opponents combined.
from Calgary to Saskatoon, from British Columbia to New Brunswick, but also all day long in videos published on social networks where he led a tireless campaign, the candidate had only one word To the mouth: “Freedom”. “I present myself as Prime Minister, he advances on his site, as if the campaign for the 2025 legislative elections had started, in order to restore you control of your life and make Canada a free country, the country The freest in the world. “
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