presented the release of the server linux-display Sme Server 10.1 , built on the basis of the Centers 7 package base and designed for use in server infrastructure of small and medium -sized businesses. A feature of the distribution is the presence in the composition of intended typical components that are completely ready for work and customize through the Web interface. Among these components, you can note a postal server with spam filtering, Web server, print server, file archive, catalogs service, inter-grid screen, etc. Size ISO-images 1.5 GB and 635 Mb.
Among the changes in the new issue:
- The transition from Mysql 5.1 to Mariadb 5.5.
- For access to mail by IMAP, IMAPS, POP3 and POP3S, DOVECOT.
- Improved processing of logs.
- Updated versions of BGLIBS and CVM-Unix.
- Reserve copies include data from the Contribs section.
- Improved work with SSL serity.
- Provides the possibility of encryption in all supported services.
- Instead of Mod_PHP, PHP-FPM.
- Most of the services are transferred to the use of Systemd.
package is involved
is involved for performing php scripts.
/Media reports.