Polemarch 2.0 release, Web interface for Ansible

took place release polemarch 2.0. 0 , Web interface for managing server infrastructure based on Ansible. The project code is written in Python and JavaScript using Django and Celery frameworks. The project is distributed under the AGPLV3 license. To start the system, it is enough to install the package and start 1 service. For industrial use, it is recommended to additionally use MySQL/PostgreSQL and Redis/Rabbitmq+Redis (Cash and Broker MQ). For each version, the image of dockker . https://pypi.org/project/vstutils/”>vstutils 5.0 , in which many errors were fixed, improved performance and design. Support for a live update using Centrifugo was also added, with which users send an API-request to update data not on schedule, but as necessary. Added support and announced by the Recommented Python 3.10.

It is also worth noting the improvement and correction of errors in working with GIT-re-repositories, the use of the native capabilities of the database to manage groups and correcting the error, in which, after prolonged downtime, all the tasks missed by the planner began.


/Media reports.