The mayor of Paris, Anne Hidalgo, announced the extinction of the lighting at 10 p.m. from the town hall, the Saint-Jacques tower, the municipal museums and the district town halls from September 23 .
Le Monde with AFP
The town hall of Paris, the Saint-Jacques tower, the municipal museums and the district town halls will cease to be lit at 10 p.m. from September 23 due to the energy crisis, announced Tuesday 13 September the mayor of the capital, Anne Hidalgo. The socialist elected official, who refuses, on the other hand, the end of the street lighting for a reason “of security”, will ask the State to “do the same” for national monuments, and to the owners of monuments of monuments deprived of taking measures “to go in the same direction”.
Among the most imposing monuments in the capital, the town hall was so far lit until 1 am, like the Eiffel Tower, which will now go out from the last visitor, or 11 p.m. 45, confirmed Anne Hidalgo. As for the bridges of the capital, the end of the ornamental illumination can be done if it is compatible with the security imperatives for river navigation, said the Ecological Transition assistant, Dan Lert.
The temperature in city buildings will be lowered by a day, 19 ° C to 18 ° C, “excluding nursing homes and crèches”, and at 12 ° C in the evening and on weekends, Either “all the periods when these buildings are unoccupied,” also announced M me hidalgo.
temperature of the Parisian pools lowered by a degree
The town hall wants to shift the start of heating its buildings, both in the morning, “thirty minutes”, and over time “to approach the winter period,” also announced the councilor. This discrepancy will be canceled in the event of very cold temperatures in November, she reassured.
The temperature of the forty Parisian swimming pools will also be reduced by a degree, both “outside the water and in the basin,” she explained. It is today fixed at 27 ° C for air and 26 ° C in water.
The objective of this “emergency plan for sobriety” is to “reduce the consumption by 10 %” of the city, the equivalent of “energy consumption of 226 schools”, said the ex-presidential socialist candidate, recalling in his record that the majority of the left had since 2007 “invested one billion euros in the energy efficiency stricto sensu”. These measures “make it possible to secure 80 % of this objective and” to absorb 10 million euros “the increase in energy prices, insisted his first assistant, Emmanuel Grégoire.