A violent storm, having left five dead, had struck the island on August 18. According to a latest assessment of the maritime prefecture, 62 of these ships have been baleine or removed from the coast.
Le Monde with AFP
In total, “90 stranded, sunk or damaged ships” were located on the western coast of Corsica, a consequence of the violent storm which struck the island on August 18, and which had left five dead.
During these violent and sudden thunderstorms, 110 operations had been coordinated by the Regional Operational Center for Mediterranean Surveillance and Rescue (CrossMed) concerning “distraught vessels at sea, damage or stranded”, recall the maritime prefecture Mediterranean as well as the prefectures of Corse-du-Sud and Haute-Corse in a press release.
They had involved “nearly 500 people”, with a balance sheet of twelve people injured and two people who died at sea, they add.
The wreck of the “George II” identified
Once these first rescue operations have been carried out, “many nautical, air and terrestrial means were engaged to locate and identify the stranded and sunk ships on the coast,” continues the press release.
In total, 90 vessels “stranded, sunk or damaged on the western coast of Corsica”, mainly in Corsica-du-Sud, could thus be located. Among them, 62 have been bumpy or removed from the coast, while 28 must still be taken care of, he specifies.
“The wreckage of the professional fishing vessel Le Georges II, which had sunk on August 18 in Girolata Bay” (Corse-du-Sud), could also be identified, according to the maritime prefecture.
The fisherman on board on August 18, a 62 -year -old man is among the five victims of the violent bad weather of August 18. A kayaker had also died at sea, while two other people had been victims of tree falls in campsites and a third of the fall of the roof of a hut on his vehicle.