took place The experimental release of the open implementation of Winapi – Wine 7.17 . Since the release of version 7.16, 18 errors were closed and 228 changes were made.
The most important changes:
- DirectWrite support has added support for the upper ranges of codes ( PLANs ) Unicode.
- In the Vulkan driver, the implementation of Wow64 support, layers for launching 32-bit programs in 64-bit Windows began.
- Closed errors related to the work of games: Endless Online, Wiggles, Earth 2150, Summoner, Battle Realms: Zen Edition, Riot Vanguard, Liar-Soft Visual, Bioshock, Bioshock,
Wizard101, Construction Set Extender. - Closed errors related to applications: Visual Studio Community 2022, Ice Cream Calculator, Foobar2000, Msys2, 7-Zip, Winrar.
/Media reports.