From screenshots extracted from the recordings of the video surveillance cameras located on the Promenade des Anglais were broadcast at the audience on Friday. The videos could be next Thursday.
The courtroom is plunged into darkness and silence. On the giant screen, the photo of a dense crowd which attends a concert on the Promenade des Anglais. The faces are smiling. A woman carries a child in her arms. Everyone has their eyes turned towards the scene. No one guesses the white truck, right there, in the background, a meter behind, launched at high speed. The impact will take place in a fraction of a second. The image is appalling.
“People do not see the truck coming and do not hear it either, probably because of the music of the concert”, supposes the policeman who testifies at the helm of the Assize Court specially composed of Paris . The president of the court, Laurent Raviot, cannot retain a comment: “It is terrifying, because we measure the effect of surprise. People do not realize anything.”
This image, which marked the audience, Friday September 9, is a screenshot extracted from the recordings of the five video surveillance cameras having filmed the course of the truck at the wheel of which Mohamed Lahouaiej-Bouhlel killed 86 people in Nice July 14, 2016. In the hours that followed the attack, the police “SDAT 58” was dispatched to the site with the mission of viewing these images – the idea was to find the trace of a possible complicity.
Friday, he was at the helm to tell what he saw, and what the public should see in turn Thursday, September 15. The president of the Court is favorable to the dissemination of recordings. No one opposes it, but defense lawyers and accusation representatives emit reserves. They are worried about the mental health of those who will see these videos. “We must have in mind the dread that this viewing will provoke, insisted the Advocate General, Jean-Michel Bourlès. We are not going to see bodies of deceased. From these people, to their physical dismemberment, it will be particularly unbearable. “
four minutes and 17 seconds of horror
While waiting for this projection, the few dozen civil parties dispersed in the large courtroom therefore listened to Sdat 58. His story, minute per minute, then the twenty screenshots that he made diffused provided an overview of the horror that occurred that evening between 10:33 p.m. and 27 seconds, the first image of the truck on the sidewalk of the Promenade des Anglais, and 10:37 and 44 seconds, time of the driver’s “neutralization”.
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