“Constructive” this summer, the right -wing elected officials are now “in a logic of blocking”, according to the executive, and intend not to vote the finance bill.
In the middle of the noise of “rebellious” and the camouflaged fury of deputies of the National Rally (RN), the majority found passages this summer to have its bills vote. And the very steep path of this nascent five -year period has often leaning on the right. Health text, defense of purchasing power, amending finance bill … each time, the Les Républicains group (LR) helped the majority of the ballot. Some saw the start of an axis. “We have widened the current majority with fifty-four deputies Les Républicains who voted for this text purchasing power,” said the Minister of the Economy, Bruno Le Maire, on France Inter, July 27.

and this contribution will be more than necessary in the coming days. Wednesday, September 7, two texts whose philosophy can be compatible with the LR line were on the menu of the Council of Ministers: that on unemployment insurance and that of the Orientation and Programming Law of the Ministry of the Interior . Before the arrival of the finance bill (PLF), presented on September 26 in the Council of Ministers, for which the battle of the majority promises to be arduous. Except that for a few days, with the start of the campaign for the Congress of the Les Républicains party, relations have been reaching out between the two camps. “It seems that we are witnessing a reversal of the LR, says Gabriel Attal, Minister Delegate in charge of public accounts. After having claimed to be constructive this summer, they are now assuming a logic of blocking.”
Will the fall still punctuated by a step of two between the executive and the right? Officially, the government does not want to put itself in the hands of the fourth group of the National Assembly. “We must remain flexible and open to the discussion, especially not to put us blind by telling us that this or that party cannot vote with us,” said Franck Riester, Minister Delegate in charge of relations with Parliament. Since the legislative elections, the agreements have currently been negotiated with LR. With the draft of a method: the government is advancing its project, the oppositions offer ideas, most often by amendments, within an eruptive national assembly, and the executive Tope with … lr.
“The executive must accept to be challenged”
Regarding fuel, the Republicans did not want a targeted measure in favor of the big rollers or the more popular categories, in order to spare retirees. Lunch of Bruno Le Maire with the president of the LR group in the National Assembly, Olivier Marleix (Eure-et-Loir), and the vice-president LR of the finance committee, Véronique Louwagie (Orne), conciliabule between the ministers and The representatives of the right at the heart of the hemicycle … The government finally agreed to postpone its idea to obtain the vote of the discount. Ditto for the monetization of RTTs, measurement of the presidential program of Valérie Pécresse finally integrated into the amending finance bill.
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