The United States announced Thursday, September 8, a new military aid of $ 1.7 billion.
Defend the present and prepare for the future. The United States announced, Thursday, September 8, new military aid of $ 1.7 billion (1.68 billion euros) in favor of Ukraine, shared between immediate deliveries of equipment, levied on stocks of the American army, and orders intended for industrialists from across the Atlantic. “Our support for the fundamental right of Ukraine to defend itself does not weaken,” assured the US Secretary for Defense Lloyd Austin, during a meeting organized on the American basis of Ramstein, Germany, with the fifty countries Allies of kyiv.
In detail, Washington is committed to delivering $ 675 million in armaments now, including four 105 mm guns, ammunition for multiple Himars, antiradar missiles, 100 Humvee vehicles, 1 000 RAAM shells with dispersion of anti-tank mines, 50 armored medical vehicles … According to the Pentagon, this is the twentieth levy taken in American military arsenals in favor of Ukraine since August 2021. The same day, Great Britain Announced the sending of 120 logistics vehicles, to “move the armored vehicles and artillery over large distances”, while Norway has promised 160 hellfire anti -tank missiles and night vision equipment.
Prepare the ‘after
These new deliveries were insistently claimed by Ukraine, which engaged in late August in a double relaxation counter-offensive against the Russian army, first in the south and then northeast of the country. The kyiv armed forces staff announced on Thursday that it has reconquered around twenty localities around Kharkiv, in the northeast of Ukraine, and pressed the Russian lines over fifty kilometers. “The Ukrainian movement consisting in attracting Russian forces [to the south] in Kherson is clearly one of the great strategic movements of war”, commented on Twitter Phillips O’Brien , professor of strategic studies at the Scottish University of Saint-Andrews.
If they continue their aid to fail the “special military operation” of Vladimir Putin, the Westerners also intend to prepare for after, when the weapons have been killed and the countries of the eastern flank of Europe will have to Composing with an undoubtedly decreased Russia but perhaps always threatening. During a surprise visit to kyiv on Thursday, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken announced another $ 1 billion envelope, intended to finance future kyiv armaments purchases from American manufacturers.
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