Several important organizations will participate in the work on the ecological transition, others fear that the CNR is wasting time in the face of emergency.
The ecological transition will be an integral part of the work of the National Refoundation Council (CNR). This is what Emmanuel Macron assured, throughout Thursday, September 8, devoted to the method and objectives of this new body, set up to “build consensus (…) in the face of immense challenges, like that of climate transition “.
However, in the morning, before the press, the head of state only mentioned “three major priority subjects, school, health and full employment”. Nevertheless, the climate and biodiversity will be well taken into account in future thematic workshops, as in the territorial advice announced. And all the participants, ministers, representatives of assemblies, local authorities and the numerous managers of invited civil society associations – around forty participants for this first day of work – could hear the climatologist Corinne le Quéré their Present the latest report from the High Council for the Climate (HCC), “go beyond the findings, implement the solutions”.
This HCC analysis was of course known to representatives of the four environmental organizations invited to the implementation of the CNR: the Foundation for Nature and Man (FNH), France Nature Environnement (FNE), the League for the Bird protection (LPO) and the Global Fund for Nature (WWF). Yet criticism of the results of the policy implemented by the Head of State during the first five -year term, deemed insufficient, they agreed to participate in the exercise. “When the President of the Republic reaches out to you, it would be silly to do the policy of the empty chair. Usually, we had to set foot in the door to be heard, there it is the ministers who presented their leaves On the road, and we will be able to be judges of their actions “, welcomed Allain Bougrain-Dubourg, president of the LPO.
For the Director General of the FNH, Stéphanie Clément-Grandcourt: “It is now urgent to coconstruct, and we seize all the opportunities given to us to carry our proposals in favor of the major transformations to be operated on.”
“What need is to act”
Rather satisfied with the first exchanges, representatives of environmental associations want to believe in the effectiveness of this advice. “I did not have the impression of wasting my time, the mind is positive and the approach necessary. It was useful and beneficial to talk to each other with others who sometimes have interest in tension,” said Véronique Andrieux, the general manager of WWF. For the president of FNE, Arnaud Schwartz, “if all the diagnoses are known and most of the solutions are already on the table, it is important to have this way crossed with others and to see if it can lead to a Compromise “.
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