The two containment periods were followed by an acceleration of the number of conceptions, notes INSEE. Result: the number of births rebounded in March and April 2021, as well as from August 2021.
Le Monde with AFP
In 2021, 742,100 babies were born in France, 0.9 % more than the previous year, notes the National Institute of Statistics and Economic Studies (INSEE), Thursday, September 29. INSEE notes that conceptions have accelerated at the end of each confinement linked to the covid. “This rise puts an end to the six years of decrease in the number of births observed between 2015 and 2020”, specifies the National Institute of Statistics.
The year 2021 had also started with a decline in very marked births until mid-February, which corresponds to children designed during the first confinement, in spring 2020. The “context of health crisis [linked In Covid] and strong economic uncertainty “was able to encourage couples to” postpone their parenting projects “, explains INSEE, who did not observe the same phenomenon of lower births nine months after the second confinement in November 2020.
older mothers
The two containment periods have in any case been followed by an acceleration of the number of conceptions, notes the Institute. Result: the number of births rebounded in March and April 2021, as well as from August 2021 where, until the end of the year, the number of births was every month “very higher” to that of the same months of 2020.
The older women pulled the birth rate up last year, details INSEE. Births increased by 3.5 % for women aged 30 to 34, 4.8 % for those aged 35 to 39 and 5.3 % for those aged 40 or over. On the other hand, the number of births of mothers under the age of 30 is in withdrawal.
In 2022, the number of births is higher in the first half than at the same period of 2021 but it remains lower than that of the first half of 2020. In detail, the number of births fell in January, nine months After the third confinement, then they progressed in February. “Difficult at this stage of knowing” if a strong rise in births will occur this year in the fall, like last year, comments INSEE.