Some essential products have soared 20, 30, or even 130 % over a year. And the rhythm does not slow down.
“The surprise guest.” This is how Jean-Philippe André, president of the National Association of Agrifood Industries (Ania) qualifies inflation. He remembers that a year ago, the subject was not even discussed. Since then, the waltz of labels has started on the shelves of supermarkets. And the pace does not slow down. After crossing the 5 % mark in June, food inflation is now approaching the 10 % threshold.
This is the observation drawn up by the IRI France analysis firm, which published, Thursday, September 29, the data collected at the end of this month. This company, which scrutinizes the purchases of consumers after their checkout had recorded a first shivering of upward prices, in December 2021.
Nine months later, she notes that the prices of consumer products jumped, in one year, 9.11 %. On food products only, the increase is 9.75 %. IRI France points to the savory, cremerie, frozen and ice cream rays, where tariff increases exceed 10 %. With a special mention for frozen meats whose inflation borders on 30 %. Only aniseed aperitifs are distinguished with slightly withdrawal pricing. 2>
The kilo of shells costs almost 29 % more expensive 2>
To better understand the budgetary constraints of the French, we asked the IRI firm to build up a trolley of everyday products type and to calculate the amount from the price statements at the cash register of the hypermarkets and Supermarkets. Of a value slightly greater than 100 euros, a year ago, this IRI basket for Le Monde, whose evolution we will follow monthly, is made up of a mixture of products from national brands, distributor brands and “First prices”.
In one year, the receipt of this racing has climbed almost 12.4 % to 115.03 euros. Certain products have literally burst like sunflower oil, struck by problems of rupture in store since the war in Ukraine. For example, we must pay 3.49 euros for a liter of first price sunflower oil, compared to 1.47 euros in September 2021. an increase of 137 %. The kilo of shells, the box of frozen fish sticks like the basmati rice package cost almost 29 % more expensive. The chopped steak and the packet of chips suffered an increase of 26 %.
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