Rin Takai sold life insurance to Naoko Takai, an easy banker, and managed to designate it, without his knowledge, as a beneficiary. This young broker was then adopted by the 50 -year -old before assassinating him to inherit it. Arrested in August, he committed suicide in prison.
Rin Takai will forever remain a mystery. Suspected of the murder of his adoptive mother, Naoko Takai, 54, the 28 -year -old ended his days, on the 1 September, at the detention center in the Fukushima district, in Osaka , in western Japan, leaving a note to his biological parents: “sorry to leave before you.”
For the police, his disappearance ruined a year of investigation led to his arrest on August 25. For those close to the victim, this death destroys any possibility of clarifying what really happened on July 23, 2021 at the home of Naoko Takai, whose body was discovered three days later, lying in his bath. “The direct cause of death is drowning. Someone attached his wrists to him before driving his head underwater,” concluded the police.
For investigators, the culprit would be Rin Takai, whose route, documented by posts on his Instagram account, followed by 10,000 people, reveals an unscrupulous seducer, follower with a life in the Lamborghini floor that He loves so much.
Born under the name of Matsuda in Kawasaki, south of Tokyo, the young man follows brilliant studies at the prestigious Kwansei Gakuin University, in Nishinomiya. Beautiful athlete, he illustrated in the American football team of the establishment, to the point of being selected at the national level.
Once graduated, the young man is recruited by the prudential insurer, in November 2018. From the start, his performances exceed expectations. The broker accumulates contracts, especially with women. Among them, Naoko Takai.
The fifties, single, she lives alone in a large house in a opulent district of Takatsuki, a neighboring town of Osaka. Executive of a bank which she joined, in 1989, after studying English literature at the very serious university for girls Notre-Dame, in Kyoto, she has comfortable income. “She was rather reserved, but she led a great career with a solid ethics of work,” said one of her neighbors on Japanese television. “She took good care of her mother, who suffers from senile dementia,” said the manager of the hair salon she frequented. Sporty, Naoko Takai also likes to go out, especially in karaoke – she willingly interprets Yasashii Akuma (“Adorable Demon”), from the Candies group.
Soon, she talks to those around her the attendance of a “younger man”. Rin Matsuda? One thing is certain, it was at this time that the framework of prudential convinced it to take out life insurance for an amount of 100 million yen (around 719,000 euros). A new success for the broker who accumulates the commissions, is displayed in Balenciaga and moved to a luxury apartment.
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