Former member of the Council of the Order and the Advisory Committee for the Revision of the Constitution (1992-1993), Daniel Soulez Larivière wrote several works including “the lawyer” and “words of lawyers. Anthology of Judicial eloquence “.
Le Monde
Lawyer and essayist Daniel Soulez Larivière died on Friday September 30, in Paris, at the age of 80, learned Le Monde from his family. Lawyer influence, born on March 19, 1942, he led a firm of four partners and eight employees and had specialized in the treatment of large claims, from Furiani to aeronautical accidents, until the defense of Total in the disaster of Azf.
Former member of the Council of the Order and the Advisory Committee for the Revision of the Constitution (1992-1993), he wrote several reference works including “the lawyer” (reissued in 2019) and “Words of Lawyers: anthology of judicial eloquence “, published in 2020 among the editions of the Gazette du Palais-Llextenso. With “L’Avocature”, initially published in 1982, then “Les Judges en la Balance” (1987), the lawyer helped popularize a genre at a time when books on justice did not yet make a recipe.