The post-fascist party imposes itself in the legislative elections, including in regions which were so far unavorable to it.
After the left wave of the early 2010s, after the anti -end surge of the 5 -star movement (M5S), from 2013 to 2018, and its sudden fallout, and the brief flambé of anger carried by the Matteo Salvini League, Italy has entered a new political season, with the overwhelming victory of the Fratelli of Italia (FDI, Postfascist) of Giorgia Meloni, during the legislative elections of September 25. Is this tilting sustainable? The upheavals that multiply and accelerate, overwhelming the political geography of the country, encourage the greatest caution.
Marginal a few years ago (2 % of the votes during the legislative elections in 2013 and 4 % in 2018), the party led by Giorgia Meloni came to lead, with more than 26 % of the votes cast. As much as this sudden rise, the most striking in this phenomenon is its general character. From north to south of the country, including in the strongest fiefs in the league (like Veneto), where Fratelli d’Italia usually has a negligible influence, Giorgia Meloni came first among the right -wing formations. Have the voters of the conservative block changed their perception, to the point of renouncing their regionalist fiber, to marry centralizing sovereignty defended by Fratelli d’Italia? Nothing is less certain and it is a safe bet that this vote is above all a message for the management of the League, and more particularly of Matteo Salvini, whose tactical errors of the last months have ended up discouraging the base activist.