This long -standing visit intervened two days after a dinner which brought together the majority executives on Wednesday at the Élysée, to relaunch the pension reform. The president of the modem had previously warned against a “force passage”.
Le Monde with AFP
In a neat communication operation, Emmanuel Macron posted, Friday, September 30, in Pau, his good understanding with François Bayrou, the president of the modem on Friday. There had “never been” no blurring “between the two partners of the majority, assured the latter, after several weeks of divergences assumed on the pension reform.
François Bayrou has several times warned the President of the Republic against a “force passage” to have the reform adopted. Modem deputies have threatened to oppose it in the event of adoption by means of a simple amendment in the context of the examination of the social security budget.
Disagreements, there was no question on Friday. The mayor of Pau and the President of the Republic have multiplied the Acongons by inaugurating the Foirail, the new cultural center of Pau, in the Pyrénées-Atlantique, of which François Bayrou is the mayor, who brings together a performance hall and a cinema of art and test.
This long -standing visit intervened two days after a dinner which brought together the majority executives on Wednesday to stall the method and relaunch the pension reform, one of the most sensitive files the beginning of the second five -year period.
By deciding to reopen a cycle of consultations before the adoption of a bill by “the end of winter”, the head of state “decided because the thesis I defended was Indisputable, “the pattern of the MoDem told journalists. “What would be the atmosphere if we had left dinner saying:” we go into force “?”, He wondered, assuring that there was “never angry”, between him and the president.
“There was, not with him, but with part of those who speak on his behalf, those around or government, a fairly strong difference in appreciation,” he said. “For having tried” the passage in force, “I know it never works,” he added, regretting that “the preparation work” was “badly done”.
“Parliament has the power to overthrow the government”
The president of the modem nevertheless refused to land as a winner. “Not that I don’t like to win and that I don’t hate losing,” he said. “After if there are blockages, it is something else,” he said in response to the fears of a unions damage and the opposition that supporters of an accelerated examination of the reform put forward.
The President agitated the threat of dissolution in the event of a motion of censorship against the government. “Parliament has the power to overthrow the government, it is the motion of censorship, but as long as it overturns, it necessarily puts his own life into play,” said François Bayrou.
During the short visit to Pau, his fifth since his election in 2017, Emmanuel Macron said nothing about pension reform. In his speech, he insisted on the importance of culture to fight against “house arrest”, in particular with the generalization of the culture pass, “a crazy idea” to which “I hold infinitely”. “Culture is access to the universal,” he said.
Nothing had been left to chance for the presidential visit, with the screening of an extract from the “great illusion” at the opening – “it’s I believe one of your favorite films”, launched Mr. Bayrou – And the “New World” Symphony of Dvorak, played by the Pau Orchestra, in the final bouquet. Only hiccup, a sign brandished by a local resident from a balcony, “I want to be able to retire before climate collapse”, withdrawn by the police before the arrival of the Head of State.