Following a report from the ecologist deputy Julien Bayou in April, the prosecution opened on Monday an investigation for “embezzlement of public funds” concerning the presidential campaign of the boss of the Ile-de-Ile-de France.
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just resigning from his post as national secretary of Europe Ecologie-les Verts (EELV) after the opening of an internal investigation by his party against him for supposed facts of “psychological violence” on the One From his ex-partner, the deputy of Paris Julien Bayou now occupies the news on another front.
Following a report carried out on April 19 by Mr. Bayou to justice “as an Elected Regional Ile -de -France”, the Paris prosecutor’s office opened, Monday, September 26, a preliminary investigation “of the Désuns de déliéement of public funds “aimed at the presidential campaign of the candidate Les Républicains (LR) Valérie Pécresse, eliminated in the first round, where she obtained 4.8 % of the votes. The investigations were entrusted to the Brigade of Repression of Economic Delinquency (BRDE), specifies the prosecution.
In its three-page report, revealed by the France-Presse agency and consulted by Le Monde, Mr. Bayou targeted “illegal financing offenses of electoral campaign, illegal funding for political party, abuse of corporate goods and /or illegal interests of interest “.
“We are not aware of this procedure, indicates the entourage of M me pécresse. All the rules have been scrupulously respected. The Greens always use the same method of slanderous denunciation.”
“complaint in slanderous denunciation”
Lawyer of the president of the Ile-de-France regional council, re-elected in June 2021 against Mr. Bayou, and member of his close guard during his presidential campaign, Thibault de Montbrial adds that “M me Pécresse has loaded [s] we cabinet prepare a complaint in slanderous denunciation. It is unfortunately not the first time that environmentalists have used this kind of method in the context of their fight against the majority in Ile-de -France. “
In his report, Mr. Bayou is mainly based on the resignation, in March, of the regional councilor (LR) Babette de Rozières of the campaign team of M me pécresse and his “Special delegation to gastronomy” due to “disagreements” with the candidate.
In a missive dated from March, M Me of Rozières, Guadeloupe, denounced the “mixture of genres between the regional president and the presidential candidate” and “the lack of alleged interest of the overseas candidate, as well as the level of the campaign “. “M Me Pécresse had no program for the overseas territories and displayed a clear contempt for them. His campaign was above ground, it was a two-sided campaign, and I could not not endorse this, “she says today.
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