Useful for the consumer, this survey on “ecological” labels shows the protective role of Brussels.
AB (organic farming) is the oldest of “green” labels, created in 1985 to guarantee a product cultivated in compliance with organic farming – and also justify its higher price. Reserved for a long time for a committed fringe of the population, the “organic” experienced almost exponential growth in the years 2010. Revers of the medal, its success generated the creation of many other labels … at the risk that the consumer will get lost . The investigation of tonight, carried out on land and on sea, is intended for him. It reveals in passing the protective side of Brussels-for the moment.
This eclectic overview does not hesitate, in fact, to approach the complexity of the links that exist between agriculture and the common agricultural policy (CAP), while punctuating the serious subjects of refreshing offset meetings.
Starting with these winegrowers from Bordeaux, who brew their natural compost based on fresh cow dung dung of the lunar calendar to obtain the Demeter label: “An approach that may seem a little perched”, admits one of them. Or this farmer who spreads a ladle of micro -acates over her strawberries labeled “zero residue of pesticide” – not to be confused with “cultivated without pesticides”.
a lower level of requirement
The sequence devoted to the High Environmental Value Label (HVE) is more developed, in proportion to the importance that this label took in the stalls at the expense of organic, which stagnated for the first time in 2021, after years two -digit growth, according to the AB study of June 10. The reason is simple and very well explained in the various reports: the HVE has a lower level of requirement that AB.
Also proportionate to danger. In the national strategic plan that France has submitted to Brussels for the development of the CAP 2023-2027, it is indeed removing the help of maintaining organic and it puts organic and organic and organic remuneration at the same level of “green” remuneration and organic remuneration HVE certification. Which, fortunately, was found by Brussels.
Another imposing component of the evening, that devoted to the MSC Fishing Label, which certifies 15 % of world fishing, while 80 % of certified fisheries are industrial. If the documentary gives the floor, among other things, to Margaux Favret, director of the NGO MSC France, the journalist obviously prefers the company of a fisherman on her jojo II, off the pilat dune, with her dog.
We feel the same difference in treatment about salt, between the report in Guérande (Loire-Atlantique) with a malarier who uses “wind and know-how” and that in Romania, impressive, with the minors who use explosives. But again, Brussels watches. In June 2022, she excluded from all labeling the extraction of salt explosive and additives.
The report not to be missed is that devoted to Clément Baillet, Pourier de Porcs Gascons, founder of the Bacotte farm, in Saint-Sever (Landes), and inventor of the label AP (for poetic agriculture ). A joke that has been emulated, since it opened and developed a direct sales store where it aggregates the productions of a hundred farms within a radius of 150 kilometers. The clientele is faithful: “We know where the products come from.” Even if no one has gone around the farms to control, it is a question of confidence.