Justice is now seized of a total of thirty-two cases of potential poisoning, including thirteen mortals.
Le Monde with AFP
Already indicted for twenty-four poisonings he has always denied, the anesthesiologist Frédéric Péchier is suspected of eight other potential poisonings of patients in Besançon, including four mortals, announced Tuesday, September 27, the Public Prosecutor Etienne Manteaux.
Frédéric Péchier, 50, is suspected of having polluted the infusion pockets of patients aged 4 to 80 to cause heart stops and then demonstrate his resuscitator talents, but also discredit colleagues with whom he was in conflict .
ongoing expertise
The public prosecutor of Besançon, Etienne Manteaux, paid these eight new cases in September to the investigation file opened in 2017. “The investigating judge is therefore now seized of a total of thirty-two cases potential poisoning, including thirteen mortals “, occurring in operations in two private clinics of Besançon between 2008 and 2016, he notes. “The instructor magistrate is now waiting for all the results of the current expertise, expected for January 2023, be returned to hear Doctor Péchier, then decide if she indicates him for these eight new cases,” he Added.
Placed under judicial supervision in Vienne, far from his wife and children, Frédéric Péchier has continued to proclaim his innocence since the start of the case. He had been hospitalized for several weeks from October 2021 after a suicide attempt.