Whether or not they voted for the movement of Giorgia Meloni, voters wonder about the duration of the new majority.
What does a day after the extreme right, in the Italian capital look like? On a Monday like all the others, no more. This September 26, Rome lives his life, as if the results fallen into the night had changed absolutely nothing. At the end of a campaign shortened by the summer holidays, the candidate of the postfascist party Fratelli d’Italia won with a quarter of the votes, in the legislative elections as in the senatorials. Thanks to the alliance between her movement and the Matteo Salvini League, but also forza Italia by Silvio Berlusconi, this 45 -year -old woman is a favorite for the post of Prime Minister, in a country to which she praised the creed “God , family, homeland “. An earthquake ? What, seen from France, provokes a certain excitement, does not seem to disrupt berearly on the edge of the Tiber, where no public gathering has punctuated this election: neither popular jubilation nor rejection movement.
The big event on Sunday was not this election, most of the Romans, seem to expect nothing. No, the demonstration that attracted crowds that evening, it was the concert of Renato Zero, a popular 71-year-old singer that occurs for a week at closed counters at Circo Massimo, in the historic center of Rome, in front of 11 000 people every day. For the rest, the inhabitants appear to be stuck in a heavy disenchantment, as shown by the impressive abstention rate. To hear them, one has the impression that the traditional ideological boundaries have literally melted, dissolved in the upheavals of a political scene where everything is broken down and recomposes almost without them.
“Nothing ever changes “
A bearded passer -by, who voted for Fratelli d’Italia, sums up the situation with a fatalistic air, going to her work: “Here, the elections are a formality. Anyway, nothing ever changes and at Bout of account, we always end up being governed by people for whom we have not voted, by dint of reshuffles and new coalitions “. M meloni having been part of any of the recent power teams, she is elected for the benefit of the doubt, so to speak. However, she has already been Minister, in the time of Berlusconi, but no one seems to remember it. “Maybe she will come to something, says the bearded man, seeming to really believe it. Especially towards young people who all go abroad, the poor.”
Young people, precisely, there are at Corsi, a neighborhood restaurant located via del Gesù, near the Pantheon. Elena and Sabrina are architects and are both thirty years old. At lunchtime, they taste their dish of the day without worrying about the tintamarre that reigns around them, a mixture of dishes and conversations. On Sunday, they voted for Meloni. Without enthusiasm, but the other candidates suited them even less. Why meloni, then? “We expect a bit of stability, and she had left for a large majority,” said Elena.
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