The creation of these first additional nurses and nursing assistants, promised by the President of the Republic during the presidential campaign, is provided for in the social security finance bill for 2023.
Le Monde with AFP
This is a “start -up” to reach the 50,000 additional EHPAD positions promised for the next five years by Emmanuel Macron during the presidential campaign. In 2023, the EHPAD will indeed have 3,000 nurses and additional nurses, according to the social security finance bill (PLFSS) for the year 2023 presented Monday September 25 by the government in the Council of Ministers.
This effort, encrypted at 170 million euros, is “pragmatic”, explained the entourage of the Minister of Solidarity, Jean-Christophe Combe, stressing in substance that it would have been unrealistic to predict more Hiring for the moment, given the important recruitment difficulties in this sector, exacerbated by the health crisis.
“The trajectory in public accounts is planned in the coming years” to reach the 50,000 additional positions promised by Emmanuel Macron during his presidential campaign, it was added from the same source.
4,000 additional positions for home help services 2>
The retirement homes will also benefit from 440 million euros in additional credits “in the coming weeks” to compensate “the impact of inflation on non -wage charges”, and will be entitled, like individuals, At the “price shield” on the price of energy.
In home help services, 4,000 additional places will be created in 2023. The PLFSS also sets for this sector the first milestones of two other measures which will only apply from 2024.
On the one hand, the elderly helped at home will benefit from two overtime for “social support”, devoted to “memory stimulations” and the prevention of loss of autonomy.
On the other hand, they can more easily claim aid to adapt their accommodation to their gradual loss of autonomy, for example to avoid falls: from 2024, for example, will be activated a device called Maprimeadapt ‘ , on the model of the premium with energy renovation.