The National Secretary of the Greens, accused of psychological violence by an ex-partner, justifies his withdrawal by an “untenable situation” and a “deleterious context”.
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New cataclysm in the Greens. After being “withdrawn” from the co-chairmanship of the environmental group at the National Assembly, Julien Bayou announced, Monday, September 26, his resignation from the post of national secretary of Europe Ecologie-les Verts (EELV). “It is with great emotion that I give up this function after more than nine years of commitment in the direction of the movement,” he wrote in a letter to party members. For the first time, Mr. Bayou is also expressed on the facts alleged against him, namely a report made by his ex-partner to the cell on the sexist and sexual violence of the party, in a context of difficult rupture.
“I am accused of facts that are not presented to me, which my accusers say that they are not criminally reprehensible, and which I can not defend myself, since we refuse to hear me, says -Al. It is Kafka at the time of social networks. “The forties should be expressed longer on Monday afternoon in front of the press on Monday afternoon, and also announce his resignation from the position of the Presidency of the environmental group to the National Assembly. In his letter, he justifies this double withdrawal by an “untenable situation” and a “deleterious context which prevents any discernment”.
in the name of the “serenity of the investigation”
The former boss of the Greens has ahead of the pressure rose on his own camp. On Sunday, the ex-presidential environmental candidate, Yannick Jadot, suggested that he accelerate his “background of the national secretariat”, in the name of “the serenity of the investigation”. But it was above all the deputy EELV of Paris Sandrine Rousseau who gave the case a great impact by revealing, on September 19 on France 5, having received, within the cell of investigation on the sexist and sexual violence of the Party, one of Mr. Bayou’s ex-partner, who accuses him of “behaviors likely to break the moral health of women”. Which would have made a suicide attempt, according to the story of M me rousseau.
Member of the left wing of the party, the EELV advisor of Paris Jerôme Gleizes regrets the words of Mr. Bayou. “A thought for the person who made an attempt [suicide] would have been welcome rather than a message that looks like a lawyer. The company, our movement still have work to end all the violence”, he wrote, Monday, in a message sent to the members of the Federal Council.
Julien Bayou hung on as long as he was able. On September 20, when the press echoed its withdrawal of the National Assembly, his entourage assured that he remained co -president and was content with a media silence of a few weeks, time to leave the cell investigate. But the pressure was too strong. Feminist movements had planned to demonstrate in front of the EELV siege. And in his camp, he was also criticized for not having given up his post as national secretary when he was elected deputy, as required by the statutes of the movement. This cumulation had caused internal resignation requests. To justify his maintenance, he had notably mentioned the idea that organizing an interim could ultimately return to designate a successor. In the immediate future, deputy Sandra Regol or one of the party spokesperson, Alain Coulombel, could fill this vacancy at the head of EELV.
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