Local consultations can open since Monday in schools. But gray areas remain and the actors of the educational community tackle the question with circumspection.
After the announcements, the time is for implementation. The government launched, Monday, October 3, the thematic and territorial declination of the National Refoundation Council (CNR) on the school. No big national consultation in this area, but as many “local consultations” as schools, in line with the “new method” as Emmanuel Macron has since his re -election. All schools who wish are invited to “organize discussion times open to life and the functioning of their school, college or high school” from this early October.
For the Minister of National Education, Pap Ndiaye, who was to attend a first consultation in a school in Eure-et-Loir on Wednesday October 5, the objective is to “give more freedom of innovation to teams “and” create, in each territory, a dynamic around the school associating stakeholders “.
The discussions, organized under the responsibility of the school principal or the head of the establishment, are open to school staff but also to families, to students, or to local elected officials, associations and economic actors of each territory. “Flexibility” is the key word of the ministry about these optional consultations, for which no strict national framework or any calendar has been set, leaving establishments the choice of their organization.
On the side of the educational community, the circumspection is however to face this “ill-defined object”, in the words of SNES-FSU, the first second degree union. In establishments, we wonder about logistical constraints. “The organization of these consultations requires time and means, when we already have a lot to manage due in particular to lack of human resources, whether school nurses, psychologists of education national or teachers “, underlines Radouane M’hamdi, principal in the Créteil Academy.
Contours and objectives, which remain confused for the educational community, also feed reluctance. “The school heads, already scalded by previous initiatives of the same nature and who have not led to much, will not engage with great enthusiasm,” anticipates Bruno Bobkiewicz, high school principal and secretary General of SNPDEN-UNSA, which unions half of the school heads.
Already in 2004, the Thélot commission synthesized 26,000 public meetings which had brought together, in establishments, more than 1 million participants. In 2020, the Grenelle de l’Éducation also brought together for several months at the national level all stakeholders today invited to participate in territorial debates.
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