The National Assembly adopted, on Wednesday, the five articles of the bill, the main one of which opens the way to a modulation of the compensation rules, as well as an amendment on the abandonment of posts. The solemn vote on the text is scheduled for Tuesday, October 11.
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What role for unemployment insurance with job seekers? What relationship should employees have at work? These questions, very political, “but also philosophical” in the words of the “rebellious” deputy of Seine-Saint-Denis Alexis Corbière, crossed the debates, from Monday 3 to Wednesday October 5, on the occasion of the examination of Bill opening the way to unemployment insurance reform. They also illustrated the cleavages between the presidential coalition, supported by the elected officials of the Les Républicains Party (LR), and the Left Coalition, the new popular union, ecologist and social (NUPS).
This text constitutes the first stage of the vast project of reform of the labor market which, according to the government, must lead to full employment by 2027. It provides in particular to change the rules of compensation to modulate it The duration according to the state of the labor market. The five articles of the text having been adopted, the result of the solemn vote, which will not take place until Tuesday October 11 after questions in the government, hardly makes any doubt.
To ensure the support of the LR group in the National Assembly, whose benches were very sparse during the meeting, the government and the presidential majority hardened the text by incorporating arrangements on the abandonment of post. Currently, employees who leave their employment without notice must then be dismissed by their employer, which allows them to benefit from unemployment benefits. The deputies together Citizens (Renaissance, Modem and Horizons) and LR, who ensure unison relying on “field returns” and “testimonies of employers”, have filed common amendments, worked with the government in government upstream, to create a “presumption of resignation” which would therefore block the opening of rights.
In the absence of the Minister of Labor, Olivier Dussopt, who opened this Wednesday consultation with the social partners on the pension reform project, it was Carole Grandjean who defended the amendment: “This phenomenon of Abandonment of position is constantly increasing and poses various problems, especially for companies that see their collective to disintegrate, “said the Minister Delegate responsible for professional education and training. “The abandonment of post is used to unravel resignation and perceive unemployment insurance,” abounded the elected official (horizons) of Maine-et-Loire, François Gernigon.
an amendment aimed at harden the text
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