About 2,500 people demonstrated in Paris according to the police, some 5,000 according to the organizers. Demonstrations have taken place in the region, for example in Lille, Marseille, Bordeaux.
Le Monde with AFP
Several thousand people demonstrated, Thursday, October 6 in Paris, to request the revaluation of wages and denounce the shortage of professionals in the early childhood sector, one of the areas that suffer the most lack of staff.
The call for strike was launched by the collective no babies at the instructions, which brings together around fifty associations and union organizations. About 2,500 people demonstrated in Paris according to the police, some 5,000 according to the organizers, singing “overbooked crèches and overwhelmed pros, it is babies who are sacrificed”.
Children’s toys, musical instruments, dolls and other accessories were worn by the demonstrators, some of whom shouted for passers -by: “It is for your babies that we go on strike!”.
Several events throughout France
Adèle Reboux, 22, Works in a crèche in Pré-Saint-Gervais, northeast of Paris, and denounces “exhausting working conditions”. “In addition to [we] occupy children, we must train those who have no qualification,” she said in reference to a decree published in July 2022. This text authorizes to recruit non-graduate employees more easily and Train internally to compensate for the shortage of staff in crèches.
“Today, a crèche assistant earns 1,300 euros net at the start of his career, it’s far too little”, regrets Sandrine Aragou, 50, auxiliary in the Yvelines. The crèches employ, among other things, educators, crèche auxiliaries, childcare workers.
Demonstrations also took place in the region, for example in Lille, Marseille and Bordeaux, according to the collective No babies at the instructions. In France, the number of places offered by the reception establishments for young children has increased in the last decade, reaching 471,000 in 2019, most of them being managed by the municipalities. About half (48.6 %) of establishments report a lack of staff, according to a survey carried out by the National Family Allowance Fund and published in July.