“Towards a sober design” (2/2) urban wells, wool packaging or biolumine panels … sensitive to social inclusion and respect for the environment, young French creators imagine solutions to produce virtuously, without harm the planet.
Design, “if he wants to assume his ecological and social responsibilities, must be revolutionary and radical. He must claim for him the principle of the least effort of nature, do the most with the least.” This is what Written, for his students, the Austro-American designer Victor Papanek (1923-1998) in an avant-garde-manifier book, Design for the Real World. Human Ecology and Social Change, published in 1971, in New York, and immediately translated in twenty languages.
Half a century later, the young French designers walk in the footsteps of this pioneer of the ecodesign, to believe that they all have in pocket the critical reissue of his work, published in 2021 in French (design for A real world, with the presses of reality). Here they are, according to the roadmap of the premonitory Victor Papanek, put into practice a responsible design vis-à-vis the planet and the company. A whole program which aims for social inclusion rather than monetary profit and which advocates respect for the environment rather than the unlimited exploitation of nature and its resources.
“For some time, the projects on which our students have worked in the germ of new industrial models, confirm, at the National School of Industrial Creation (ENSCI-LES Ateliers), Edith Hallauer, Doctor of Urban Planning and Coordinator of Memoirs , and Gilles Belley, designer and responsible for diplomas. Some of them pay attention to resources and seek savings in means, others rethink the question of materials, sectors, deposits or virtuous manufacturing. Most of them work on better habitability in the world and change software: they move away from the modes of thought and production of the previous century, also working on new organizations and social innovation. “
At the time of the climate and social emergency, the young design guard put itself with a frugal diet. Zoom on a few creators, suppliers of alternative solutions that the planet is unfortunately needed.
Solène Meinnel, rainwater that brings closer
The building courtyard … of this place of passage, Solène Meinnel wanted to make an inspired and friendly place, as well as wells in the heart of the villages. This graduate in December 2021 of a master’s degree in the Ensci -les Ateliers – approaching the critical challenge of the water shortage – imagined planting in the commons of artificial trees whose palms recover the water from the sky, which is put available to the inhabitants. Its device – a stainless steel, stone and clay frame – incorporates collectors from which everyone can draw water and ceramic containers filled with sand, frigos of the desert. “The idea is to exchange in the courtyard of the building and to meet around a shared vegetable garden, even to prepare meals for a festive moment,” explains Solène Meinnel.
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