The Department, which stands out for a low unemployment rate and a strong industrial establishment, is not immune to the crisis. The outbreak of gas and electricity prices melt the margins of companies, which find it difficult to consider the future.
that we do not be mistaken: here, “we are not used to shouting in the wolf”, recalls, immediately, Arnaud Ringeard, president of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry from Vendée, from its office in La Roche-sur-Yon. The department, with its entrepreneurial fabric and its unemployment rate by 6 %, almost 1.5 points less than the national average, is usually a good student of the French economy. Especially since industry is better represented than elsewhere: 30 % of the activity, against 13 % at the national level. However, in this fall, the time is no longer to be distributed good points, but rather to draw the alarm signal.
The astronomical prices requested by energy suppliers, during contract renewals, oblige the bosses to review their roadmap for the future. “Certain offers have reached 1,000 euros per megawatt hour [MWH], for companies that had contracts at 50 euros,” laments Mr. Ringeard, not stingy with examples, such as this plastics company which sees his electricity post pass from 2 % to 10 % of its charges.
Impossible to take, in “a context where everything increases, including wages”, assures Mr. Ringeard. Given the tense situation on the Vendée labor market and “competition in recruitment, many companies have made extensions,” he said. Result, today, “we are faced with a wall that was difficult to anticipate”. So everyone tries to adapt.
“We’re going to get savings everywhere”
Thomas Planchot, Managing Director of Maison Planchot, who, from his production workshop, to the Herbiers, supplies eight shops with his brand in breads, pastries, cakes and chocolates, assures him: “We will not be able to repercuss the increase Energy, because we can no longer increase selling prices. People are not going to buy the baguette to 1.90 euros! So we will look for savings everywhere, which will lead us to brake our development. “
The planned modernization of points of sale may be deferred in better days. But also the purchase of cutting machines or the duplication of those to make chocolates, which make it possible to gain productivity and improve the working conditions of 200 employees. “We are going to take more risks, do more maintenance,” said Sighing Mr. Planchot. But he does not hide that, if that is not enough, the payroll also appears on the list of possible savings positions.
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