A conference organized Thursday by the RN featured the “ideological victories” of the National Front, but not its essential actors. Jean-Marie Le Pen was not invited and his daughter marine assumed “the aggiornamento” of the party.
The National Rally (RN) has changed, proof: to celebrate the 50th anniversary of a movement ripened by anti -communism, he offered himself a Soviet parenthesis. Thursday, October 6, in the evening, in a basement of the National Assembly, some 200 elected officials and collaborators were entitled to a lesson in very specific history of their party, in the absence of its former leader and co-founder, Jean- Marie Le Pen. The “menhir” was not forgotten, how to erase his contribution to the party after thirty-nine years of presidency? But, more than men, these are the great ideas that the designers of the conference preferred to retain: the National Front has, according to them, introduced “almost all themes that structure French political life today”, like the ‘Immigration, the fight against communitarianism, globalization, secularism or economic patriotism.
The two of the party numbers, such as François Duprat, Bruno Mégret, Florian Philippot or Louis Aliot – candidate for the presidency but absent from the Raout -, were not mentioned, despite their major role in structuring and ideological turns successive.
A booklet distributed to participants recalls that “very different profiles took part” in the movement. To the former vichysts, numerous at the birth of the party, he is preferred by the resistance fighters Jean Luciani and Michel de Camaret, in photo despite an objectively minor role. In this same brochure, the clichés of meetings between Marine Le Pen and heads of state omit his interview with Vladimir Putin.
“Deep evolutions”
Only Bruno Gollnisch dared to quote the name of his former enemy Bruno Mégret, in the long list of deputies elected in 1986, congratulating themselves to be “not Stalinists who erase the authors of the revolution when they have stopped please us “. Later, he would explain that he had suggested inviting the former craft craftsman in 1999, a traumatic event that was not discussed this Thursday evening. Refusal of the organizers of the symposium, Gilles Pennelle and Philippe Olivier-“Two misunderstandings, however”, he slips.
in the real one, the former runner-up of Jean-Marie Le Pen sometimes had to recognize his party, whose fights are no longer his. He even had to suffer an ode to General de Gaulle in the mouth of the deputy of the Somme Jean-Philippe Tanguy, a funny scene in a party so penetrated by the fights of French Algeria. Would Bruno Gollnisch imagined it twenty years ago, when he helped Jean-Marie Le Pen access the second round of the presidential election? “I would probably have ripped with my short saber!”
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