The ex-deputy of Seine-Saint-Denis hired his mother-in-law as a parliamentary assistant between 2009 and 2010. He could not provide proof of the reality of the work done.
Silences, hesitations, “I don’t know”. A hard drive struck by lightning, handwritten notes, a USB key that is not found. At the helm of the Paris Criminal Court, Jean-Christophe Lagarde’s stepmother struggles to defend a job that had “nothing fictitious”, she swears, but of which there is no trace.
Monday, October 3, the president of the UDI, ex-mayor of Drancy and ex-deputy of Seine-Saint-Denis, appears for “embezzlement of public funds”; Monique Escolier-Lavail, his wife’s mother, for “concealment”. In question: a parliamentary assistant contract of one year and three months, between 2009 and 2010, for the preparation of a book on the difficulties of SMEs which has never seen the light of day.
Monique Escolier-Lavail directed the family business for the trading of materials for thirty years. The distrust of banks, payment deadlines, administrative heaviness … She knows. A little less parliamentary life. Her contract allowed her to work from her house near Carcassonne. Very far from the National Assembly or the constituency of Jean-Christophe Lagarde.
“Why you?”
What was his work as a parliamentary assistant “five hours a day seven days” therefore, paid 39,815.21 euros on the funds allocated by the National Assembly – which one led to civil? Monique Escolier-Lavail explains that she was dividing articles, reported criticism against the self-entrepreneurship of her plumber, or those of neighboring preserves producers. Was it the most competent for such a position, the president inquires? “Why are you?” His voice breaks, his frail back is vaulting. Its almost 70 years suddenly feel, lost in a Matelassée without sleeve. “I did my best.”
The President is more raw: “Write a book, you do not tell yourself that it is above all served the political career of its author, more than the general interest? In your opinion, what is the mission of an assistant Parliamentarian? “The stepmother briefly raises her chin:” She can be very large … “Jean-Christophe Lagarde La Tais la Barre, to answer the same question:” Parliamentary assistant, it can go from the driver, to the secretary , to the intellectual performance. “And his mother-in-law allowed him to” discover things that we do not read in the books “.
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