The tenth wave of the “French fractures” study, carried out by Ipsos-Sopra Steria for “Le Monde”, the Jean-Jaurès Foundation and Cevipof, underlines that if the confidence of opinion in political power improves, the level of general dissatisfaction remains high.
An angry country, much more concerned with economic and social subjects than by identity issues and with a request for rebalancing powers. The tenth wave of the study “French fractures”, carried out by Ipsos-Sopra Steria for Le Monde, the Jean-Jaurès Foundation and the Center for Political Research of Sciences Po (Cevipof), draws up a contrasting portrait of a massively France Unhappy but notes, at the same time, the first signs of a decree.
This survey is of an exceptional scale and thus gives the most complete image possible of the state of opinion in the country. This year, the sample was multiplied by ten compared to previous waves, with no less than 12,044 people, constituting a representative sample of the French population aged 18 and over, interviewed from September 16 to 20, according to the method quotas.
It is not a question of saying that everything is fine: 36 % of respondents say they are belonging to a very angry and protesting France, 58 % to an unhappy France. Likewise, 89 % of French people believe to live in a violent company, which the latter increases (87 %). A quarter of them (26 %, + 8 points in one year) even thinks that the use of violence can sometimes be justified.
However, and this is a positive point, the political crisis does not work. Admittedly, the levels are often bad, but with regard to the responses of 2015 and 2016 – the peak of distrust and rejection of the traditional political system – things are a little better.
support for Democracy
Thus, the request for authority decreases, even if it remains high: 79 % of French people would like a “real chief to restore order” (stable over one year, but down 8 points compared to it ten years ago). The idea that democracy is “irreplaceable” and is “the best possible system” is increasing (70 %, + 2 points compared to 2021). The demand for a more direct democracy is also important (37 %, when 44 % are satisfied with the representative system).
If it remains mainly negative, the image of political staff also improves: the French are fewer to think that policies are corrupt (57 %, – 5 points in one year), 29 % consider that men And politicians act mainly in the interest of the French (+ 8 points compared to 2021). Unheard of for six years. In the same sense, confidence in deputies (36 %, + 7 points) and political parties (18 %, + 2 points) is growing.
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