Between 390,000 and 690,000 unemployed who can claim compensation, mainly short contracts, do not request it, according to a government report.
It’s been two years since the deputies were waiting for him. The government has finally submitted to Parliament its report on non-recourse to unemployment insurance. A text which was initially to be rendered within two years of the promulgation, in 2018, of the law “for the freedom to choose your professional future”. Left parliamentarians had also suspected the executive to censor this report at the start of the year to avoid publication before the presidential election.
It is therefore when the examination in public session begins in the National Assembly of the bill paving the way for a new unemployment insurance reform that the government decides to present the conclusions of the Study, which focused on the contract ends which took place between the 1 er November 2018 and October 31, 2019. It therefore does not take into account the previous reform of 2019 and relies On the eligibility criteria of the 2017 Unédic Convention.
The result is edifying: between 390,000 and 690,000 people eligible for unemployment insurance do not use it. “According to the central hypotheses retained in the report, around 30 % of people aged 25 to 60 who experience the end of contract in the private sector without being registered beforehand to Pôle Emploi and which meet the eligibility criteria do not use The unemployment insurance “, indicates the report by the Directorate of Research, Studies and Statistics (DARES), attached to the Ministry of Labor. A rate close to that observed for other social benefits: 34 % for active solidarity income and 32 % for pensions. 2> “not sufficiently informed”
“Depending on the field and the hypotheses selected, the estimate of the non-recourse rate of people not registered with Pôle Emploi in the year following their end of contract varies between 25 % and 42 %”, specify the authors who also establish the profile of these non-receivers. Thus, they are mainly employees in short contracts (41 % of fixed -term contracts and 36 % of interim compared to 16 % of CDI) and people who work less than the appellants, with potentially lower rights therefore – “55 % of eligible Having worked between four and six months do not resort to unemployment insurance, compared to 19 % for those who have worked for more than two years “.
“Unsurprisingly the people in short contracts are the most concerned, while it is these same people who aimed at the 2019 reform by harvesting the rules concerning them”, notes the communist deputy of the Bouches-du-Rhône Pierre Dharréville, Who had taken advantage of the examination in the social affairs committee of the unemployment insurance bill on Wednesday, September 28, to file an amendment, adopted, claiming from the government the publication of this report within a month.
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