Céline Quatennens “returned to the police station on September 26 to say that she wanted to change her two handrails in complaints”, which carries “on the same facts, there is no new one,” -On specified in the entourage of the deputy La France Insoumise.
Le Monde with AFP
The wife of the rebellious France deputy (LFI), Adrien Quatennens, filed a complaint against him in Lille, after two handrails having launched the opening of a preliminary investigation, told the France-Press Agency (AFP) The entourage of M. Quatennens and a source close to the file, confirming information from BFM-TV .
Céline Quatennens “returned to the police station on September 26 to say that she wanted to change her two handrails in complaints”, which carries “on the same facts, there is no new one,” -On specified in the entourage of M. Quatennens.
“She was summoned to formalize and specify the content of her handrail. She mentioned three distinct facts, two of which are very recent, finally fileing a complaint,” said a source close to the file. “Her husband was summoned on September 26 [September] afternoon and was then able to be heard freely on these elements and facts,” added this source.
Two handrails
m. Quatennens is targeted by a preliminary investigation, opened by the Lille prosecution as part of its “voluntary criminal policy for the treatment of domestic violence”, after a first current hand deposited by his wife, and revealed by Le Canard chained mid-September .
His wife had in the meantime deposited on September 24 a new current hand, explained the elected lawyer on Saturday, M e Jade Dousselin. This new current hand “is limited to evoking SMS transmitted by my client in the context of their separation”, which “do not contain any messages of a malicious or threatening nature,” said the lawyer.
“My client was able to express themselves as part of the current preliminary survey in order to restore a certain number of truths and bring elements enlightening to the file”, detailed M e dousselin to AFP. “Today we want justice to continue his work in respecting the secrecy of the investigation to ensure his serenity and the search for the truth,” she added.
In a press release on September 13, after the article in the Duck chained, Céline and Adrien Quatennens had learned to have learned “by lawyers” that the prosecution had seized the facts.
m. Quatennens was in the process put in withdrawal of his function as a coordinator of LFI, recognizing violence against his wife in a statement published on Twitter. He notably admitted to him “gave him a slap”, “a year”, “in a context of extreme tension and mutual aggressiveness”, claiming to have “deeply regretted this gesture”.
Hello everything, after the events of this week and for the sake of transparency and appeasement, here is M … https://t.co/eh6fonthpt
Solicited, the Lille prosecution did not immediately react to the announcement of the complaint. “For the smooth running of the investigation, it seems essential that it is away from the media scene,” he commented on Saturday.
Responding to a question about Mr. Quatennens’ participation in a debate on Monday on Ukraine and the examination of a bill on unemployment insurance, the leader of rebellious deputies, Mathilde Panot, said the deputy would not be “because he is managing (his) divorce”.