Author of a coup in January, Lieutenant-Colonel Damiba was pushed towards the exit by Captain Traoré. His fall was marked by violence against the French presence in the country.
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Burkina Faso had only eight months to get used to the folded silhouette of Lieutenant-Colonel Paul-Henri Damiba, eighth putschist to register his name in the list of heads of state who have succeeded since the ‘independence of the country. The uncertainty on the camp in which power would have lasted two days, just like the fear of a direct confrontation in the streets of the capital between soldiers who remained loyal to him and those who had rose since the morning of Friday 30 september. The officer finally laid his arms and made the keys to the presidency he had himself invested by force.
After a vain attempt to “appeal to the reason” of young insurgent soldiers, galvanized by the demonstrations of support which accompanied them, the one who had overthrown on January 24 the president elected Roch Marc Christian Kaboré flew on Sunday October 2, from Ouagadougou to take refuge in Lomé, Togo.
“President Paul-Henri Sandaogo Damiba himself proposed his resignation in order to avoid clashes with serious human and material consequences,” said representatives of religious and customary organizations, once more engaged in mediation to allow peaceful transmission of power. 2> “responsible for the execution of current affairs”
His successor, Captain Ibrahim Traoré, 34, new self -proclaimed president of Burkina Faso, has the same joufflu face as his elder, affirms the same ambitions for catering security in a state that has gradually lost control of more 40 % of its territory against jihadist groups, but its stay at the head of the country could be even more short. Sunday afternoon, a spokesperson for the putschists announced on the national television set that “Captain Traoré is responsible for the execution of the current affairs of the State until the swearing in by the president of Faso appointed by the living forces of the nation “.
When will this consultation take place? Will it allow the one who was running so far from Kaya, 100 km northeast of Ouagadougou, on 10
Between displayed modesty and declaration of political intentions, he explained to the secretaries general of the ministries, summoned on Sunday: “I know that I am younger than most of you here. We did not want this Who has arrived but we did not have the choice. (…) In the next three months, we must do what should have been done during the past eight months. Everything is urgent in the country, from security to the health, defense, humanitarian, social action, infrastructure. “
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